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Knight Training (UK) Ltd

SCPLH Refresher Course online

SCPLH Refresher Course online

Regular price £95.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £95.00 GBP
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The Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 requires all liquor licence holders to undertake refresher training within 5 years of the issue of their licence. All personal licence holders must undertake a refresher training course, and pass a refresher exam before the 5 year anniversary of the issue of their licence.


The Scottish government stipulates all people who hold a personal licence must successfully complete the SCPLH refresher course every 5 years of the licence issue date to remain valid.

The Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 requires all liquor licence holders to undertake refresher training within 5 years of the issue of their licence. They must also submit evidence that the training has been passed to the relevant licensing board within 3 months of the 5-year anniversary.

As a licence holder, you must also renew your personal licence every 10 years, submitting the application to do so no later than 3 months before the expiry date. A valid application will require a recent Scottish Award for Personal Licence Holders Refresher certificate to be accepted.


What does the course consist of?

The roles, responsibilities, and functions of Licensing Boards and Licensing Standards Officers

The application process for a personal licence

The application process for premises and occasional licences, mandatory and discretionary conditions

Protection of children from harm

The content and purpose of an operating schedule and risk assessment

Drunkenness and disorderly behaviour

Licensed hour

Control of order

The responsible retail sale of alcohol

Roles and responsibilities of the personal licence holder and the penalties relating to failure to comply with the law

Unauthorised licensable activities

Rights of entry to licensed premises

The strengths of alcoholic drinks and the effects of alcohol on the human body

SCPLH-R Level 6 Award Assessment Method

The personal licence training course examination is in the form of a multiple-choice exam with 40 questions, 28 of which must be answered correctly to pass.

What will I receive after the course?

Learners who attend the SCPLH-R Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (Refresher) will receive an accredited qualification certificate through our awarding body, the British Institute of Innkeeping Awarding Body (BIIAB) or Highfield Qualifications.

Does the certificate have an expiry date?

The Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 requires all liquor licence holders to undertake refresher training within 5 years of the issue of their licence. All personal licence holders must attend a 1-day update course, and sit and pass an exam before the 5 year anniversary of the issue of the licence. They must also submit evidence that the training has been passed to the relevant licensing board within 3 months of the 5-year anniversary.

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